New M8982 Broadcast Sharing Unit with Cascade Port
New M8982 Broadcast Sharing Unit with Cascade Port
November 16, 2007

Electro Standards Laboratories (ESL), Cranston, RI, has just announced its new Model 8982 RS232/DB25 7-1 Broadcast Sharing unit. The Model 8928 permits RS232 data broadcast from a single device connected to the COMMON port among seven devices connected to Ports 1-7 simultaneously. The Model 8982 operates in a polling environment where Port 1-7 devices are polled for data. Based on the content of the data sent from the Common Port device, the appropriate connected device responds. Status LED indicators on the top of the unit display the signal activity of each port, and a separate LED indicator represents the status of power connected to the unit. Multiple units can be cascaded to create a more expansive broadcast network. For details, click here: http://www.electrostandards.com/ProductDetail/?productid=281
Electro Standards Laboratories
36 Western Industrial Drive
Cranston, RI 02921
Tel: 401-943-1164
Fax: 401-946-5790