Custom Adapter Kits for 25-Pin D Connectors Save Time and Money
Custom Adapter Kits for 25-Pin D Connectors Save Time and Money
July 6, 2011
For Immediate Release

Electro Standards Laboratories, Cranston, RI, announces the addition of three custom 25-Pin D Connector adapter kits to its product line. The kits are packaged in three configurations: Male/Male (Cat. No. 308060), Male/Female (Cat. No. 308070), and Female/Female (Cat. No. 308080). Each kit contains the appropriate housing, connectors, screw hardware and jumpers.
These kits enable the user to customize any 25-pin D-connector for specific applications. The kits are easy to install and solve cable and peripheral incompatibility problems. These economical kits are particularly useful when existing data cable runs through walls and over partitions. The cables can be adapted for new use by reconfiguration of pin/signal connections.
Electro Standards can also provide the Pin Insertion/Extraction Tool, Catalog No. 415020. When terminating your own D-Type connector, this double-ended tool performs both insertion and extraction operations.
For more information on the Custom Adapter Kits for 25-Pin D-connector, contact Electro Standards Laboratories at 401-943-1164, eslab@ElectroStandards.com, or www.ElectroStandards.com.