Model 4215-L LVDT Meter Plus dataView Software - A Comprehensive System for Control of LVDT Measurement Fixtures
Model 4215-L LVDT Meter Plus dataView Software - A Comprehensive System for Control of LVDT Measurement Fixtures
September 8, 2011
For Immediate Release
Electro Standards Laboratories, Cranston, RI, introduces the Model 4215-L Smart Indicator designed for the measurement and control of dual-channel LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) measurement fixtures. The Model 4215-L combines two simultaneous sample LVDT channels, print capabilities, and RS232/485 serial communication into a versatile platform that can be customized to deliver the most powerful and affordable instrumentation in its class.
The Model 4215-L Advanced Digital LVDT Meter provides all excitation and signal conditioning necessary to operate dual LVDT expansion measurement fixtures. The average extension is computed automatically and displayed. The Model 4215-L features analog outputs, limit switching, individual unit conversion and a two-line display. Factory options support mixing and matching of strain gage and LVDT sensor inputs.
The Model 4215-L features fully bipolar range +/-999,999 display and 24-bit resolution. The linearity is 0.05%. Plug and Play TEDS-Tag Auto LVDT Identification is standard. User-input text label on the second line of display is also standard. The Model 4215-l has auto-setup for twenty-five LVDT's. Functions include: peak / valley / hold / tracking / peak reset. Quad limits output comprise independent, isolated solid state relays control AC or DC signals. Model 4215-L offers six user-selectable filters.
The Model 4215-L is dataView-LVDT software ready. From the Main Panel Graphs program, a switch allows the user to select whether one or two graphs are displayed on the Main panel. When Single Graph is selected, data from one or both channels is graphed as it comes from the Model 4215-L. When the Two Graphs option is selected, each graph will graph one track of data. The Calibration tab allows access to all methods of calibration available on the Model 4215-L. This includes mV/V calibration and calibration by extension.
With the Model 4215-L and dataView-LVDT, data acquisition is at 60 Hz. The dataView file feature allows the saving and re-loading of test results for further analysis. The printing of reports that include real-time graphs and standard test results is simple. An optional export feature to download test results to other programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel is available. Simple setup panels allow viewing and editing of the options on the Model 4215-L. dataView software features full function point-and-click Graphical User Interface (GUI). The Model 4215-L with dataView-LVDT software creates an easy-to-use plug-and-play data acquisition system. The system provides full speed data acquisition and plotting and is compatible with Windows XP Pro.
Whether upgrading an existing system or implementing a new one, the Model 4215-L delivers the accuracy, reliability, and repeatability needed to meet the most demanding applications. For information on all Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning Products from Electro Standards visit www.ElectroStandards.com or call 401-943-1164, email: eslab@electrostandards.com.
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